Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oh yea! I forgot about that!

While I am laying at bed at night I always think of the most perfect things to write about in my blog. By the time I get up in the morning the dreaded "preggo brain" has hit and I can't remember that awesome topic I wanted to talk about. For those of you who have been pregnant and have a baby bump, you know that getting out of bed to write down ideas is just not an option. Once you get comfy... you don't move! With that being said, here goes my thoughts for the day...

Throughout this pregnancy I have caught myself saying "Oh yea... I forgot about that!". As my baby girl grows and grows I am experiencing things that I experienced with my first pregnancy, but time has made me forget. For example, before I started to feel Piper kicking around in there... I was laying on the couch one night and realized that one side of my tummy was rock hard, and the other side was soft. She was laying on the right side all balled up in a ball.. It was so neat to be able to actually tell that there was something in there! Of course when I first started feeling her rolling around in there it was an amazing feeling, but familiar because I had been down this road before. Not all of the things are so pleasant either though. I think your brain blocks out some of the negative things about pregnancy, like how hard it is to get comfy at night and find just the right position where your belly can be supported.

I feel like I can actually enjoy being pregnant this time around. When I was carrying Amelia, I was so caught up in so many other emotions I never just sat back and enjoyed what was going on in my tummy. I was constantly worried that something was wrong, or so scared that something was going to happen before she was born... that I never felt comfortable just getting excited. I guess age and experience help a lot in that department too. It's hard to not get caught up in the horrible stories out there about the many women who lose their babies late in their terms, but with experience and age you learn to not focus on the bad and just enjoy the good.

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