This pregnancy has been so surreal to me. Often I find myself taken back when Piper rolls around or kicks me. I will be sitting on the couch watching TV or playing on the computer, and BAM I get a startling reminder that there is actually a person in there! When I was pregnant with Amelia I was sick for most of the time... so I was constantly aware of the fact that I was a human incubator. But now that I have a ripping roaring two year old to keep up with, it's a lot easier to get lost in the every day life of being a mom and house wife. Everyone keeps telling me that there is a huge difference when you go from one child to two. I have no doubt that it's going to be different, but I seriously doubt that it will be more of a change than going from no children to one! My biggest concern is my sanity... lol I tend to be a little over protective of Amelia, I just hope I don't turn into this crazy momma bear that tries to attack anything that approaches her baby cubs ;) I don't think that the fact that we are going to be parents all over again, will set in until she is actually here.
Matt is actually excited about our very loved surprise, this time. Not that he doesn't love his "little buddy" to death... but he was scared out of his mind that he was not going to be able to fit the bill when Amelia graced us with her presence. Now that fatherhood is no longer a big unknown, he is actually ready for her to get here. Actually he has been joking (and not) that he wouldn't mind having a few more after this one. I reassure him that after Piper is born, this baby making factory is CLOSED! I think that my personal limit for my sanity is two. One parent for each child, no one gets left out or neglected. Plus... we get the challenging periods of a child's life over in a relatively quick period of time (I said relatively).
My sciatic nerve feels much better today. I am actually able to get around the house without looking like a pirate with a wooden leg dragging behind me. It still smarts a little when I bend over to pick something up or turn just the right way, but I can handle a little pain without a doubt. It was so cute yesterday... every time I would bend over I would grimace a little and Amelia would say "Be careful Mommy!" I try not to let her know when I am in pain, or concern her with grown up things, but it's good to let her know that Mommy is human too and sometimes I just hurt.
Amelia is fully aware of the fact that she has a little sister in my belly, and that once Mommy get's really fat then Piper will be ready to come out. We try to practice being gentle with her baby dolls, and with Lilly. She will bring me her snow white baby and her blankie and get me to wrap her up. Then she will cradle, kiss, and tell her that she loves her so so much. I just hope that once Piper does get here, she understands that she's not allowed to just pick her up and walk around. I forsee a fit coming when she discovers that her little sister isn't her personal baby doll just yet ;)
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